team building, team buildings, team building events, private party, private parties

Click Here to Download & Print Our Suggested Menus

View our menus below. Click the side arrows to scroll through to the following menus.

More Info

  • If members of your group have any allergies or dietary restrictions that conflict with your chosen menu, please let us know three days or more prior to your event. Our staff will have substitute dishes/meals ready for those with said allergies/dietary restrictions. Changes, restrictions, and limitations cannot be accommodated upon arrival of your group without prior notification.
    • Classic Cooking is not a gluten-free facility.
  • Groups may select only one menu for their event.
    •  Additions to a group’s chosen menu will result in higher charges to the overall cost.
  • House wine, beer, soda, and sparkling water are complimentarily provided with each menu. Hard alcohol will not be served under any conditions.
    • Groups can order their own wine and beer through Classic Cooking. As per our liquor license, we do not allow groups to bring in their own alcoholic beverages.
    • Our staff reserves the right to stop serving alcohol if conditions arise that could endanger the imbiber, their coworkers, or members of our staff.
    • Your group can opt to have no alcoholic beverages served at your team building event, reducing the menu cost per person by $5.00.
  • Menus remain the same regardless of the team building event’s option: recreational or competitive.
  • Cancellation for any reason must be received by Classic Cooking at least two (2) weeks prior to the scheduled event. In the event of a cancellation prior to the two weeks, only 15% of the total cost will be retained by Classic Cooking for administrative costs. Groups that cancel within one week prior to the event will be charged the total invoice amount. This includes changes in the menu selection, special wine and beer requests, customized apron orders, etc.
  • For responses and reviews towards our Team Building menus/events, visit the Yelp page for the Top Team Building Activities in Scottsdale, AZ.