Week 5 – Cakes I: Bienenstich This is a traditional Blechkuchen made from a yeast dough and topped with a butter-sugar-almond mixture. During baking, this topping caramelizes, giving the cake a shiny appearance. After baking, the cake is often also filled with a vanilla cream. Kasekuchen Käsekuchen is a cheesecake made with Quark or other...
Week 6 – Cakes II: Apfelkuchen The Apfel-Streuselkuchen is a yeast dough, topped with apples, then topped with sweet, buttery crumbs. Black Forest The Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte (Black Forest Cake) is perhaps the best known specialty from the Black Forest (Schwarzwald) region. This is a cake with multiple (usually 4) layers of chocolate sponge cake, cherries,and...